Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Step 8 Move your presentation to the internet

With more and more companies working world wide nowadays, many meetings include members around the world and in different time zones. This can occasionally make meeting planning and presentations difficult. Also, occasionally people like to refer to a certain slide or point made in a presentation. For these reasons, it is  now becoming more popular to post your presentation  or slides on the company intranet.

Web presentations with slides, narration and audience participation are now more common throughout businesses. Software such as WebEx allows companies to have world wide real time meetings across the globe and later pos these meetings for people who were unable to attend.

Step 7 Audience Interactions

Audience interaction can keep a presentation from feeling stale. You can use surveys, quizzes and polling questions. Even vocal interactions and the age old "show of hands" can keep a group interested. There is also equipment available  at Turning Technologies for rental or download which can assist  with gathering and displaying data. 

Step 6 Hyperlinks and web-browsing

Incorporating hyperlinks into your presentation can make it more interactive. You can hyperlink to other programs, documents and web pages, all within your presentation. You can use it just like this link here will take to you the Microsoft Office web page which is tips for presentations as well. The hyperlink will open in a new window and allow you to discuss your web page. Once finished, you can close the window and carry on.

Step 5 Add Special Effects

Animations can be an amazing tool in a presentation. The ability to control when text and graphics appear on the screen can help keep your audience focused on what you want without all the other items catching their attention. Here are just a few things that animations can do:
  • Have bullet points appear one by one to allow you to discuss each individually without revealing the next point
  • Have pictures appear as needed in training footage
  • Have an item appear and display center slide, then relocate to allow another focus object
  • Allow you to dim or remove background images when no longer needed.

You can also use Animations as Transition Effects for when you move from slide to slide. You can go from subtle to flashy. Just keep in mind, you should always run your animations multiple times for testing. Some animations can be so fast, they can distract from the presentation and in some instances make your audience a little queasy.

There are also additional Power Point add in products that can be used to enhance your presentation at a cost.

Step 3 Images and Step 4 Graphics

When designing your presentation, you will likely find the use of images and graphics helpful. Using images and graphics should always compliment the text. Before using any image, make sure that you have permission to do so. Most images found on Microsoft Office Online are in public domain and do not require copyright permission. Keep in mind that some consider clip art to be amateurish, so photographs are usually preferable.Another source for additional images may be Creative Commons, but ensure you are looking in the appropriate areas for copyright free materials.

PowerPoint also has the ability help you create graphics. You can use Smart art which will allow you to create organization charts, or diagrams.

With the chart function, you can create dozens of pie, bar and line charts. All of these things will greatly improve your presentation when used as needed. Unnecessary graphics will cause confusion  and clutter.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Step 2 Brackground, Fonts and Themes

Once you have your text finalized, you can begin to work on the presentation slides themselves.

Begin by opening PowerPoint and becoming familiar with the tool bar at the top and the different drop menus available so that you can easily navigate within the program. Next you should decide whether you are going to design your own template, or use a template available through PowerPoint.

PowerPoint templates range from simple (Retrospect), to elegant (ION Boardroom) to intensive colours (Vapor trail). I have included pictures below:

Choosing the right template will make planning out your presentation much easier as the headings and body areas will already be per-defined although you may make any changes that you wish. Headings should be bigger than the body text font. To make reading easier on your audience, as a general rule you shouldn't use more than 2 fonts in your presentation. Your font sizes should be between 24 and 36 points for easy viewing. 

PowerPoint is full of options to allow you to create exactly the slides you want for your presentation needs. Feel free to play around with the program and decide what fonts and backgrounds are right for you.

The more you like your presentation slides, the more you will feel confident you will feel when you make your presentation!

Note: All template pictures came from office.com website.

Step 1 Text

The text of your multimedia presentation is the most important part of any presentation. If the content isn't engaging or to the point, your audience will quickly lose interest in your presentation. Here are a few tips:

  • Be concise
  • Stay on topic
  • Provide supporting details
  • Stick to the format
    • Opening
    • Body
    • Closing
  • Proofread
  • Spellcheck

Once you have the basic text you wish to include in your presentation and all supporting data, then we can look at laying it out, and making it more visually appealing.