Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Step 5 Add Special Effects

Animations can be an amazing tool in a presentation. The ability to control when text and graphics appear on the screen can help keep your audience focused on what you want without all the other items catching their attention. Here are just a few things that animations can do:
  • Have bullet points appear one by one to allow you to discuss each individually without revealing the next point
  • Have pictures appear as needed in training footage
  • Have an item appear and display center slide, then relocate to allow another focus object
  • Allow you to dim or remove background images when no longer needed.

You can also use Animations as Transition Effects for when you move from slide to slide. You can go from subtle to flashy. Just keep in mind, you should always run your animations multiple times for testing. Some animations can be so fast, they can distract from the presentation and in some instances make your audience a little queasy.

There are also additional Power Point add in products that can be used to enhance your presentation at a cost.

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